Sunday, January 3, 2010

Scented Pillar Candles Are Scented Candles Ok In Centerpieces?

Are scented candles ok in centerpieces? - scented pillar candles

I thought a large red pillar candle in a glass hurricane made for some great centerpieces, but I can not find that scented pillar candles are! It is the smell ok? There are only 4 or 5 in the whole area (approx. 75 persons). Or does anyone know where I can find unscented red candles? I tried Wal-Mart, Target, Michael's, Sears, ...


starting over said...

Scented candles are great, so great especially with so little in the room. I do not know your budget, but here is a product for $ 5, which is odorless: ...

You can always your own, too. You can buy a wax kit in a craft store for $ 15-20 and you can with it for 2-3 $ stain. Whether they are sufficient to make 4 or 5 large pillar candles. You only need a model to dry.

Good luck!

EDIT: Theologygirl has a good point that I do not think. Probably should be on the scent, if possible. If you can buy on the website above, it should go. If what you need, please let me know.

starting over said...

Scented candles are great, so great especially with so little in the room. I do not know your budget, but here is a product for $ 5, which is odorless: ...

You can always your own, too. You can buy a wax kit in a craft store for $ 15-20 and you can with it for 2-3 $ stain. Whether they are sufficient to make 4 or 5 large pillar candles. You only need a model to dry.

Good luck!

EDIT: Theologygirl has a good point that I do not think. Probably should be on the scent, if possible. If you can buy on the website above, it should go. If what you need, please let me know.

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