Monday, January 25, 2010

Anxiety And Depression More Condition_symptoms What More Can I Do For Anxiety And Depression?

What more can i do for Anxiety and Depression? - anxiety and depression more condition_symptoms

I am on Lexapro and Clonopan but I still found all the symptoms of panic attacks and depression, also


Dannyboy said...

The pills only mask the underlying problem, namely that we find all the happiness in the things that give you / people who make us happy. We believe that a new boyfriend, girlfriend or wife will make us happy. We believe that a new car, new clothes, new music to us happy. We believe that drugs, alcohol and sex will make us happy.

Knowing that these are all depressed because we are expected to work. Can Freak Out (panic attacks), because we know that nothing we can believe it, and it's a really terrible idea. We do not know if we can do in the world, so we can pay our bills if we do not even count on our work. Then there are big problems like global warming, wars, terrorism, economy, gangs, etc. ..

Pharmaceutical companies know that we are all satisfied, so that they develop and sell drugs at cost to reassure us that we might live. But do not remove the drugs, because the problem is not in our mind that we live in a world of fear. Fear is a natural reaction to fear of the body in response to external stimuli. Depressivecontained in the sense that you feel when you get in touch with reality and realize that life is not easy, or just like everyone expects.

So basically, the drugs are numb to the ways of the symptoms. The solution is in contact with (and learn, with the consent of) the reality ... how the world really against the way Hollywood and television have mesmerized us to believe.

Watch "Fight Club" movie. It's really a great film, based on people who are poor and how they try to escape spells hypnosis and society influences us.

Drew G said...

I suffer from anxiety, but to my medication and help resources.

I usually drink kava for my anxiety. I'm still addicted to my medication anxiety, they use only for extreme situations. Kava is, in my opinion, impressive! They can not be dependent on or create a tolerance. I blocked the receptors of fear in the brain. If you're like me, it's late at night, if you believe that you really need help. The great thing is that kava can help you sleep.

Pat L said...

Go to a region or a natural food store in the library and watch the depression remedy. I know that oatmeal is a natural remedy for depression, and tries to keep the corn flakes and oatmeal cookies in the house for work when my pills. I'm sure there are other food there too

layla said...

OMG. Poor!
Lexapro helped me a lot, but it was completely out of hell ... in less than a week I was crying and panicking .. I was a mess.
Clonazapam not help? It was my lifeline. The doctor took me to him last summer and it was weeks or horror.

I am glad I am not one. But I look at the herbal formulas as passion flower, kava kava, 5HTP, and valerian.

Tisa said...

You can try more pieces of candy, if you wear are afraid to put a candy in her mouth, something sweet that you can make more relaxed, so do not panic. Select candy that you really want, not worry about making it work

Cancer MD said...

May suffer from bipolar. Self-help. Here's a useful article.

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