Thursday, December 24, 2009

Symptoms Of Meningitis In Children Has This Happened To Any Of Your Children?

Has this happened to any of your children? - symptoms of meningitis in children

My daughter is 18 months is very healthy, has suddenly developed a problem (the last 2 hours). It seems to have lost his balance. If she goes, she fights. We have been the feet and legs, no pressure it indicates, the victim seems to be checked. She is always so cheerful and full of life, without showing a fever or something, he's sick. We massage the feet and legs, and they enjoyed d. My husband thinks it could be that the pins and needles feeling, which was originally, but for two hours. Any advice is appreciated. A friend thought it might be meningitis, but you look at the symptoms and not to have. It's hard to walk. We have taken off his shoes. Has it happened to one of his children. I have 4 children and this is the first time I experienced such a thing and it does not make me mad to know, what it is. I have tried to your doctor but in vain. It was the first in the morning. I am in South Africa.


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