Monday, March 1, 2010

Can Gingivitis Be Cured Give Me Dry Lips Can Gingivitis Be Cured While Smoking?

Can gingivitis be cured while smoking? - can gingivitis be cured give me dry lips

I'm smoking something at least a pack a day for eight years and consumed more alcoholic drinks on the weekend. Not even dental floss have come as no surprise that I developed gingivitis. My gums are redder than usual and inflamed. I was just brushing his teeth, which was painful and bleeding. My dentist has to do me a list of things that go every day and back in a month for the cleaning of the others, but I wonder if it works, if I continue to smoke and drink. A friend told me that I am safe from cancer of the gums, is that I now smoke, but I'm not sure how true.

I think I can do without the drink, but I seriously all common sense, be lost if I quit now, with all the stress from school and work. II know I need to live a healthier life and I promised to good, until I graduate in five months. I hope that this does not cause permanent damage to the mouth during this period. Has anyone seen or have an idea? Thank you.


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